
Fast, flexible vector and matrix math for JavaScript

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glMatrix is a high performance, very flexible library for vector and matrix operations in JavaScript/TypeScript, designed for the needs of realtime 3D graphics APIs like WebGL and WebGPU.


Documentation is available at

Using Float64Array

If your use case requires additional precision beyond the default 32-bit floats used by default, you can instead use a 64-bit verions of the library by importing from the f64/ directory of your chosen build type. For example:

import { Vec3 } from './gl-matrix/dist/esm/f64/vec3.js';

If you have a need to mix and match the 64 bit and 32 bit versions, you can do so by importing them as different names:

import { Vec3 as Vec3F32 } from './gl-matrix/dist/esm/vec3.js';
import { Vec3 as Vec3F64 } from './gl-matrix/dist/esm/f64/vec3.js';

All API calls are identical between the two versions, the only difference is the type of TypedArray which the classes extend.

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